Ruthie Smith is an attachment-based psychoanalytic psychotherapist (The Bowlby Centre, London) and energy psychotherapist with thirty-five years’ clinical experience in private practice, and ten years as a principal psychotherapist and psychoanalytic supervisor in the NHS (UK) where she supervised the work of a personality disorders unit. She has taught extensively on psychotherapy trainings, is invited to speak at various CPD conference events in the UK and abroad and has contributed various chapters and articles to books and journals. After training in work with subtle energy and vibrational healing,
Ruthie founded The Flame Centre in London in 2009, specialising in trauma work. She is Director of a depth postgraduate one-year Clinical Training in Energy Psychotherapy put on by Energy Psychotherapy Training, Ltd. In terms of her background, Ruthie is also a professional saxophonist, mantra singer, author and energy psychotherapist. Her book ‘Energy, Soul-Connecting and Awakening Consciousness: Psychotherapy in a New Paradigm’ (Karnac, /Phoenix London 2024) introduces the shift to the new paradigm and outlines self-help methods for working with energy, bringing vibrational medicine to the general public, counsellors and psychotherapists. She also runs retreats in Norfolk UK and has a passionate interest in the ‘shift’ of humanity’s awakening consciousness, and in integrating energy and spirituality within psychotherapy.