Shana Laffy

Specialist in safeguarding

Shana Laffy (MBACP, Adv Dip, PGCE, QTS)

 Shana Laffy is a qualified Therapist, Consultant and Trainer. She runs a private practice in North London and specialises in working with couples, relationship clients and individuals. Shana also provides bespoke safeguarding training and support to counsellors/therapists and is a qualified Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Shana has worked in the caring professions for over 20 years, previously in the education and social care sectors, in family contact and assessment centres, as well as various roles within the mental health field. Shana was an Ofsted inspector for over 5 years and focused on inspecting safeguarding and welfare in Early Years settings across the country. Shana has previously taken on lead safeguarding roles for large therapeutic organisations, training teams on topics such as Domestic Abuse and FGM. Shana has experience implementing key systems and policies to safeguard clients and with safer recruitment and legal documentation.

Shana originally trained to work therapeutically with children and young people at ‘The Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education’. She has firm knowledge of child protection systems and has a strong passion for helping therapists in private practice who work with adults consider systemic safeguarding values and keep children’s welfare at the heart of their practice.

In 2019, Shana co-founded Heartful Therapy Training, a collaboration with Cabby Laffy. Shana co-facilitates the ‘Certificate in Couple and Relationship Therapy’ here at The Grove Practice. Shana is a SandStory Therapy® Trainer and accredited with Emotion Coaching UK as an Emotion Coaching Practitioner Trainer. Shana delivers training across the country to professionals, parents and educators and those in caring professions.

Shana and Rima have run numerous workshops together and have been highly commended for their practical and trauma-informed approach to safeguarding.

For more information about Shana, please see


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