Polly McAfee is is a graduate of the Diploma in Integrative Psychosexual Therapy taught by Cabby Laffy through CPH. Polly holds an M.A in Effective Learning. She has also trained with the Institute of Group Analysis, Pink Therapy, the Gestalt Centre, Barbara Carellas, Nick Totton and Spectrum Therapy. As well as teaching for CPH, she runs groups for women exploring sex and sexuality. These incorporate the breath and energy techniques of sacred sexuality as well as the educational, behavioural and therapeutic aspects of psychosexual work. Polly is passionate about people experiencing sexuality as an integral and joyful part of themselves, and about the potential of group work to assist with this journey.
Please note that the tutor team may vary according to feasibility in relation to the number of enrolled students. The Grove fully intends for the course to be taught as planned. However, sometimes tutor availability may change according to unforeseen circumstances such as but not limited to illness or bereavement. In any such circumstances, The Grove may be required to adjust the tutor schedule at short notice.